The Power of Mindful Apologies

Wealth & Lifestyle

When Conflicts Arise, How to Give and Receive Apologies Mindfully.

The idea that love means never having to say you’re sorry is a myth, especially in a human relationship. Disagreements and arguments are inevitable, and even the healthiest relationships have their share of conflicts. Despite our best intentions, we may say or do things that hurt our partners. In such instances, the most effective way to make things right is through a mindful apology. By acknowledging our mistakes and making amends, we can prevent the accumulation of emotional wounds that can erode the intimacy between partners.

An apology is also a powerful tool for personal growth. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow. When we err in our relationships, we can take a love mulligan, just like golfers take a do-over after a lousy shot. Mindful couples understand that repair is necessary for maintaining intimacy and they are willing to start over and do better the next time.

The Art of Giving and Receiving Apologies

A Guide to Offering and Accepting Apologies Mindfully.

Apologizing is an art, and it takes two people to make it work. The giver and the receiver both play a critical role in making a successful apology. A heartfelt apology should be based on kindness, generosity, and compassion, where the offender acknowledges the harm they caused and offers a sincere repair. At the same time, the recipient must accept the apology with grace and offer forgiveness in return.

The responsibility of repairing a relationship falls equally on both the offender and the offended. It is vital to understand that the relationship is the responsibility of both partners, and they must work together to bring it back to life. By taking ownership of our emotions and letting go of our ego and story, we can choose to forgive our partners and move on.

Reviving Relationships: The Art of Mindful Reparation, Forgiveness, and Renewal

Restoring Harmony

Sometimes we say things we regret, and it can cause a rift in our relationships. A simple “I’m sorry” may not be enough to repair the damage caused. It takes three qualities to truly rebuild intimacy: owning the mistake, repairing the damage, and vowing to improve.

Practice saying “I’m sorry” in the form of Own, Repair, Improve. Start by owning up to the mistake and admitting that you were wrong. Second, repair the damage by apologizing for your actions. Finally, vow to improve and make amends for your mistake. For instance, “I want to apologize for saying that I hate going to see you play baseball. That was a mean thing to say (own). I realize that I can be selfish with my time, and I’m sorry I said that (repair). Next time you invite me to a game, I’m going to say yes (improve).” You can also add humor to lighten the mood and show your love.


Forgiveness is a choice that allows us to let go of past hurts and move forward in our relationships. While you may never forget the hurt, you can always choose to forgive. Dwelling on past wrongs only causes suffering in the present moment.

Choose to forgive your partner to accept their apology and move on. If you aspire to be a generous lover, follow three steps: thank your partner for caring about the relationship, acknowledge that they owned their mistake and are trying to repair it, and accept the apology. For instance, “Thank you for apologizing (thank). Your rude comment about my baseball game upset me, and I felt like you weren’t interested in something that’s important to me (acknowledge). But I appreciate you admitting your mistake and apologize for it. I forgive you (accept). Would you like to come to the game on Wednesday?” You can also add humor to show your willingness to let go of the past and move forward.

Starting Anew

Unresolved conflicts and hurts can build up over time, so it’s important to address them and move forward. Practice apologizing and forgiving each other often to keep the relationship healthy.

Let go of the small slights and large wounds, and start anew as friends and generous lovers. Love means being able to say “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you.” Remember to cherish each moment and create new memories.

About DR. Cheryl Fraser

Dr. Cheryl Fraser is a renowned Buddhist psychologist, sex therapist, author, and speaker who has helped thousands of couples rekindle their love and passion. As a Fulbright scholar, she has conducted extensive research on sexual behavior and relationships. In her latest book, Buddha’s Bedroom, Dr. Fraser offers mindfulness exercises, couples and sex therapy techniques, and Buddhist teachings to help couples break free from routine and reignite their passion. If you want to learn more about how to create a lasting and fulfilling relationship, check out Dr. Cheryl’s FREE Passion Masterclass.


Tags: Wealth & Lifestyle

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