How To Beat Your Competitors During COVID-19 With Effective Online Strategies

Business Leadership
Business Leadership

How To Beat Your Competitors During COVID-19 With Effective Online Strategies

By Ricardo Diaz De La Vega – CEO Dreams Animation 


During times like these of COVID-19, many companies have faced unprecedented losses, and as a solution to make up for the lost sales, business owners have decided to hold back on their marketing budget, believing that since people are not buying, there is no point left in marketing for their products or services. Coronavirus is now a global pandemic, and panic has changed people’s buying patterns. People are not going out as much, but they are spending more time online and this is the reason why you must take a leg up in your digital marketing efforts.

According to Forbes, 87% of consumers are more likely to complete a purchase or hire a company, if they know the company behind it supports the causes and beliefs that they care about. That’s why a group of influencers, coaches, consultants, and business owners have started to rewire their mindset and redesign their marketing strategies to adapt themselves to the current market looking for new sales and profits. 

After almost three months of living through this outbreak situation, we’ve observed how marketing has evolved and we deeply feel that we have a mission to share with you on why this is the best moment to invest in creating a better website and start a Facebook marketing campaign for your brand or business. Here we have a few suggestions to be successful if you have the right strategies.

Communicating With Impact.

Your content website needs to be focused on emotional engagement. People need to feel that you understand their immediate desires and needs. Now, this is tricky because you may not understand or have a clear idea of how this can help your business, but having your content done with an NLP approach will pivot your business providing geometrical growth. It’s key to put all creative efforts on understanding the mood, fear, need, style, mindset of your consumer avatar, and channel all that into your message This approach will provide real value to your customers and they will feel that. 

Drive value for your clients.

You might revalue the benefits of your services or products and the way you present them on your website, giving the approach that you offer a helping hand and tangible value to your clients. First of all, search what you believe to be the most pressing needs for the overall community, and secondly find your unique contribution to them. For example, Louis Vuitton has used its perfume production lines to make hand sanitizer to protect people against the coronavirus outbreak. How can you help your clients? How can you explain your product or service will help them and is not just an expense?

Target your message. 

You need to be a razor-sharp and laser-focused in targeting your message to find customers. A clear example is the shortage of indispensable products in your city may lead new people and old clients if they know you have the solution to a current need. Reinforce your message letting them know you care about them and there are supplies back in stock. 

Catch the opportunities.

See the present moment as an opportunity to invest in your website and online marketing strategies and remember businesses exist and prosper because they satisfy the needs of their customers, if you fulfill that principle the money will follow. Many businesses are shutting down across the world, and there is more space now in the digital arena for new businesses to create a place for themselves. 

In conclusion, no matter the hardship moment we are living, we need to see beyond that and understand the new social patterns. The 4 tips mentioned before are a brief explanation of what you have to include in your new business strategy. Dreams Animation is thrilled to help you to discover your mission and core values to multiply your influence. We can help you to tell the right Storybrand, and connect with clients who will love your product or service.
Are you ready to discover how your website can bring you massive results? Contact us, we will be glad to guide you in this unsettled time.

Tags: Business Leadership


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