1.4 Million of children are suffering because cold extreme weather conditions.
Is very sad to know that in this era where we have so much development, comfort, and technology as humanity there are millions of children around the globe suffering from many things. In Perú more than 1 million children live in the highlands of the Andes exposed to snow, cold rain, and extremely cold weather conditions. The children live in communities without sewer, no heat in their houses, they don’t have boots or warm clothing, no access to medicines or vaccines.
Based on our research and statistics hundreds of children usually died from cold-related diseases such as pneumonia, and poor rural living conditions; entire families and children living at more than 3,000 meters above sea level are the most affected.
To give you an idea temperatures over there reached 10 degrees below zero Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) in areas with elevations above 3,00 meters.
We understand that these communities need a different type of entire solution related to infrastructure and an entire change of mindset coming from Local and National Government, however, until that becomes a reality many children keep dying and that’s why the founder of Dreams Animation made a promise to himself and a commitment to step up and do something.
As a team, we are so pumped and excited about this idea of bringing help to many people thanks to our work, and this year we are starting in Perú.
We want to GIVE more Love and Help as many children as possible.
Read below to learn how our contribution is going to work for them.